Fraunhofer IPMS
(Institute for Photonic Microsystems)
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We represent Fraunhofer IPMS in the US for purposes of Business Development. If you are interested in learning generically or specifically about the contract technology research and development services, or the contract prototyping and manufacturing services, offered by IPMS, please Contact Us.
Key facts about The Fraunhofer Society:
Located primarily in Germany
Comprises 13,000 employees across 67 separate institutes
Funding: about 30% from the German Federal government; about 30% from research grants from European, German national, and German state government funding agencies; about 40% from direct commercial work under contract
Sophisticated, yet customer-friendly and customer-centric, approach to intellectual property
Organized as a not-for-profit entity
Comprehensive services: performs basic R&D work, all the way up through low-to-mid-level manufacturing
18 of the institutes, with over 3,000 employees, comprise the Microelectronics Group
Beginning in 2017, the Microelectronics Group joined with elements of the Leibniz Institute to create Forschungsfabrik Microelectronic Deutschland (FMD, or Research Fab Microelectronics Germany)
The German Federal government granted this consortium 400M Euro over three years, to advance R&D and commercial competitiveness in micro- and nano-technologies
FMD is organized into four groups
The largest group is the Silicon-Based Technologies Group
140M Euro in funding
This group coordinates cross-cutting efforts across multiple institutes, to meet and exceed customer requirements for initial feasibility studies, R&D, prototyping, and low-to-medium-scale manufacturing of microfabricated silicon devices
Key facts about Fraunhofer IPMS:
Located in Dresden, capital of the State of Saxony
Close proximity to GlobalFoundries, Infineon, and related semiconductor manufacturing infrastructure
340 employees, 37M Euro aggregate funding (2016)
World-class know-how and expertise
Modern R&D infrastructure and manufacturing capability in the fields of optical sensors and actuators, integrated circuits, microsystems (MEMS/MOEMS) and nanoelectronics
15,000 sf clean room facilities for 200mm silicon wafer processing, for CMOS combined with MEMS/MOEMS, or stand-alone MEMS/MOEMS devices
CMOS microfabrication discipline; ISO 9001 certification
Capable of bulk and surface micromachining, combined with CMOS processing
Second set of clean room facilities for materials development related to 300mm silicon wafer processing
Coordinated R&D and manufacturing with other FhG institutes, and with commercial partners such as XFAB; either directly, or through FMD
One-stop shop for individual requests along the complete value creation chain
Services include:
Pilot (prototype) fabrication​
Foundry fabrication
Test, Characterization, and Reliability
From unit processes, to full manufacturing (including packaging and test)