Aquarian Microsystems
We provide state-of-the-art capabilities in the following areas:
Technology development
Microfabrication process design
Device design and analysis
Process and device metrology and characterization
Reliability design, testing and analysis
Manufacturing (including packaging), especially fabless manufacturing setup
Intellectual property research, analysis, and development
We focus broadly on microsystems technology and nanotechnology. Our specific interests and expertise (listed oldest to newest) lie in the realm of:
Complementary MOSFETs and semiconductor device physics, including hot carrier effects and high-field transport
Scanning probe microscopy, related MEMS structures, and nanotechnology applications
Microflow devices, including pressure sensors, pressure and flow controllers, microvalves, microturbines, and integrated systems
Microfluidics, with an emphasis on biomedical applications (biosensors, pharma)
Nanoencryption technologies
MEMS devices and process technology in general
Business plan development related to MEMS-based startup companies
MEMS- and sensors-related business development
The matrix below provides points of departure, for a deeper dive into our capabilities, expertise, colleagues, and clients.